Am Sad and at the same time happy to a noounce that this notice is mainly for students Belonging to the Colledge Of Management Science.
This is a notice from the Colledge Examination Officer were he explains that he has been directed to bring to our notice that all Lectures in the college will begin my 7am in the morning, reasons been that the programs and the large number of students coupled with limited halls for college lectures ,"This is the best available alternative at the moment" he said.
Signed By Dr. E.C. Ogbanje
College Examination Officer
Below is the Snapshot of the Printed Copy, you can save the photo for a better and accurate Read.
This is a notice from the Colledge Examination Officer were he explains that he has been directed to bring to our notice that all Lectures in the college will begin my 7am in the morning, reasons been that the programs and the large number of students coupled with limited halls for college lectures ,"This is the best available alternative at the moment" he said.
Signed By Dr. E.C. Ogbanje
College Examination Officer
Below is the Snapshot of the Printed Copy, you can save the photo for a better and accurate Read.
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