SECURITY ALERT! Places You Should Not Walk Alone At Night

by Admin , at 14:58:00 , have 0 comments
SECURITY ALERT! Places You Should Not Walk Alone At Night

There are have be series of attacks by notorious students or Villagers around the school premises. Its by this notice uamstudentblog is spotting places you should not walk alone at night base on report we gather concern the affect region.

Below are Red Hot Place Student have being attack before base on what we gather.

1. Beside and Behind Chief Palace Road
This place of a recent has become one of the most disturbing region where this notorious student/villagers  operate. A Student( Name Withheld for Secuirty reason), was on Sunday, 5th June, in the evening attack on that walk way. This student his currently undergoing a treatment at Benue State Teaching Hospital with a broken fracture. 

2. ChaChalina Road
This spot is also another red spot in school, especially for ladies. If you must use that road at night please you are advice to do it with company of guys you trust.

3. Road Leading to Israelites Hostel
This base has been place under check too, student using sure place at night should not walk alone. 

4. Hostel Walk Way

Could remember last Semester when this walkway was always a place where you need to be alert, because so many a student have lost their valuables to this people. We gather that we now Security Men patrolling that walkway too. Notwithstanding, we also recommend student should not use that road alone, especially when you can find someone at each end of the road.

Having list most of this "Red Shot Region" around school, we advice student should also get torchlight and be vigilant. 

Be your neighbour watchman, report any suspect to the near by security, if you can find any, or be your security man.

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SECURITY ALERT! Places You Should Not Walk Alone At Night
SECURITY ALERT! Places You Should Not Walk Alone At Night - written by Admin , published at 14:58:00, categorized as UAMGIST . And have 0 comments
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