All You Need To Know About the University of agriculture Makurdi's Library

by Unknown , at 04:45:00 , have 0 comments

The Library is the heart-beat of the Institution which serves as the educational life-wire of every serious user. A constantly updated Library puts the user close to the doorstep of his success. Barman asserted that the Library is a growing organism that requires constant positive changes to go with the changing mind of its user.

In recent past, the University of Agriculture, Makurdi has undergone changes. New acquisition lists have been added to our book and journal collections.

Donations of books and journals from various donor agencies including the UAM Alumini, University of Twente, Enschende; The Netherlands, to mention but a few, has been received to boost the current stock in the University library. Weeding out outdated titles has also been carried out. Library services opening of Seven (7) College Libraries thereby decentralizing Library services for the maximum benefit of the entire university community.

Automation of the Library services are in full bloom,  progress with the digitalization of certain data bases in Agriculture including AGORA, EBSCOHOST, HINARI and OARE and offline materials including E-granary, LanTEEAL and other downloaded materials are available for easy access.

Finally, the Library has subscribed to VSAT Internet services to allow users search various catalogues worldwide through Google, Yahoo, Mama, Mozilla Fire fox, ASK.COM, devilFINDER.COM, MSN.COM and other web search engines.

All these achievements have been made possible by the sound co-operation of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor E. I. Kucha whose vision is to make the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, a world class institution and one of the best in the country by ensuring that any available resources are properly utilized.

Philosophy And Objectives:

The objectives of the University Library are naturally derived from those of the University it serves. Briefly stated, the Library exists to provide a wide variety of resources: book and non-book materials alike and auxiliary services which support and extend the University programmes of instruction and research.

In its attempt to achieve the above goal, the Library sets out deliberately to:

Ensure a high degree of relevance of its collection to the needs of the University Community,
Ensure that maximum use is made of the resources and facilities, Give quantitative and qualitative reference and information service to its clientele,Join its staff with other teaching colleagues in making the use of its resources an integral part of the educational process.

Library Conduct:

Any conduct prejudicial to the proper use of the Library by a reader is forbidden, e.g. eating/chewing,  smoking, sleeping, fighting, noise making, drinking, use of hand set, discussion groups etc.

Readers must not bring pets into the library
All handbags, brief cases, umbrellas etc must not be brought into the library beyond the reception desk and the library does not take responsibility  for any loss of such items kept at the point provided.

Readers must not temper with the operation of electrical appliance and fittings in the library.
All library materials consulted by readers must be left on the reading tables.

Readers shall have the right to complain to the University Librarian or any person acting on his behalf about any library problem.

Checking in the Library:

All readers leaving the library must submit themselves for checking, All library staff leaving the library are to submit themselves for checking, Any registered student entering the library must identify himself/herself by show of library I.D. card at the check point “way in”.


The University Librarian may suspend any reader who violates any of these library regulations from using the library until such a time that the case is disposed of.
Any reader found to have stolen library books/materials shall be charged before the appropriate university disciplinary committee for appropriate action.

Any reader who loses, damages, or mutilates library books/materials shall replace or pay three times the current cost of the books/materials.

Any reader who keeps library books/materials overdue shall pay a fine of five naira (N5) per book per day.
Appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken against any reader who is found to have assaulted a library staff in the course of performing his or her duties

Library Membership:

The following persons shall be eligible to register and become members of the Library

members of the University Council
All Senior staff of the University
All registered students of the University, and
All other persons permitted by the University Librarian subject to available facilities.

All registered students using the Library must obtain the Library identity card and sign an undertaking to observe all the Library regulations.

All registered students must show their identity cards to Library staff members on duty before using the Library.
Registered readers of the Library must inform the University Librarian in writing of every change of their residential and postal addresses, whether temporary or permanent.

All University students are required to pay a registration fee N 300.00 only other users’ forms outside University community are to pay a token fee of N500.00 only as handling charges.

Borrowing of Books/Library Materials
Only registered members of the Library may borrow book/Library Materials.

All registered senior staff members may normally borrow up to five (5) books for a period of one month (30 days) for administrative staff and seven books for academics staff for one semester.

Registered students may normally borrow up to five (5) books for a period of one month (30 days ).
Certain categories of books/Library material, e.g. reference books; Journals, etc. may not be loaned out except with the permission of the University Librarian or any persons acting on his behalf.

The renewal of books/library materials borrowed shall be at the discretion of the University Librarian or  any persons acting on his behalf when on high demand.
the Readers Services Librarian may recall books/materials loaned out to readers at any time.

Readers will be responsible for any loss of, or damage to library books/materials on loan to them.
Books/Library material on heavy   demand shall be placed on temporary Reserve for use within the Library for specified short periods only.

Books may not be loaned out to student readers during vacations, except final year and post graduate students.
the University Librarian or any person acting on his behalf may use his discretion to loan out special books/Library materials to readers overnight (special loan)
Books on loan to other readers may be reserved as specified in the Library guide.

Any defaulting user may not be granted fresh loan.
The University Librarian may use his discretion to enter into inter-library loans/cooperation with any institution of higher learning.

Any registered reader leaving the University on retirement/graduation must return library books and book tickets.

E Journals

Below contains freely available Internet resources that you may find useful for study and research purposes.  Please feel free to inform the library of any additional resources you may know of that could be added to this list.  Email:

All You Need To Know About the University of agriculture Makurdi's Library
All You Need To Know About the University of agriculture Makurdi's Library - written by Unknown , published at 04:45:00, categorized as Library . And have 0 comments
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