Five Trusted Ways UAM Student Can Fight Sleep When They Need To Read

by Admin , at 03:53:00 , have 0 comments

Five Trusted Ways UAM Student Can  Fight Sleep When They Need To Read
Sleep can crop up at really inappropriate times. Maybe at work, church or even during a boring lecture. However, what if it crops up at the usual time in the night, but you are simply too busy, maybe you need to read, or finish a project, assignment or essay? 
How do you fight it off? 
Below are some tips that will be very helpful:
1. Caffeine
This should not be a daily occurrence, as caffeine is addictive and not very healthy. But in emergency, a cup of coffee without milk can be a lifesaver. Caffeinated drinks contain chemicals that help increase your metabolism and keep you awake, long enough to complete the task at hand, or round up that pressing assignment.
2. Take a Walk
Studies show that taking a 20 minute walk can boost your energy levels and decrease fatigue. Low-impact exercise seems better than higher impact exercise for fatigue levels, so you don’t have to be a power walker to see benefits. Another plus is people who exercise, tend to do better mentally, so take a short walk around and return to your task.
3. Music 
Listening to music while you work can help keep you awake and increase your concentration levels, experts say. Simple! Pop on some comfy headphones—nothing with speakers if you work with other people – and see what kind of music works best for your productivity. For some people it’s Bach. For others it could be slow or fast hit music. Just know what best for you. It’s a highly individual thing, and can even vary for you depending on the task at hand.
4. Eat
Snacks, fizzy drinks and the like can also help you stay awake.  Large meals can make you drowsy. (Think Thanksgiving, only on a smaller scale.) Try eating smaller meals and more healthy snacks throughout the day for sustained energy.
5. Cold Water
There’s nothing like a splash of cold water on your face to revive you. Don’t forget to drink liquids throughout the day. Staying hydrated can result in increased oxygen levels which boost energy and can keep your mind sharp.
Which other ways in your own option that we did not mention, please drop it here using the comment box below.
Five Trusted Ways UAM Student Can  Fight Sleep When They Need To Read
Five Trusted Ways UAM Student Can Fight Sleep When They Need To Read - written by Admin , published at 03:53:00, categorized as Others . And have 0 comments
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