Five Mistakes All Graduates Should Avoid ( SHARE THIS ARTICLE)

by Admin , at 14:13:00 , have 0 comments
As a fresh graduate, and intending one you really deserve a congratulatory handshake. Graduating from any institution of higher learning is no easy feat, especially from a Nigerian tertiary institution, (UAM in particular) with its plenty problems and hurdles. Therefore i understand if you are feeling on top of the world, i really do. However, pride like they say goes before a fall, so if you are a graduate reading this article, then i would like to give you a bit of caution, so you can avoid the mistakes most graduates make.


First, most graduates buy into the lie, that there are no jobs, so they settle for demeaning jobs, well below their pay grade, to avoid been stuck at home. While it is good to be humble, please don’t be stupid, there are jobs out there and you can get them, so do not just accept 30,000 after five tough years in the university, search diligently, learn a skill, embark on training , but don’t settle for demeaning jobs.
Now this is the other side of the coin, do not be proud to your own detriment. Most graduates set a ridiculously high target, when they embark on a job search.
The economy is not in a good state, so do not escort to be a millionaire in two months. Set reasonable targets and stick to them accept training and advice. Pride will hurt only you in the long run.
Many graduates apply for jobs, and get interviewed, then they fail dreadfully. An interview, is like an examination, the same way you prepared for each course in school, prepare the same way for your interview. Read wide, ask questions, remember, you are fortunate to get an opportunity to be interviewed so give 100%, a lot of people are vying for the same job.
In Nigeria, conservative dressing and grooming is still highly regarded. This means that while huge beards, piercings and visible tattoos may be allowed in some places, it is still mostly frowned upon. So unless, your family owns the firm, shave off and dress properly. This is not a time to fight for your freedom of style, there will be plenty of time for that later.
While it is best to remain in your field of study, sometimes life may throw you another opportunity, learn to adapt, the experience you gain on any job will be invaluable later, so use opportunities wisely, but do so with moderation. 
If you have any other tips, you would like to share with new graduates, do let us know below.
Five Mistakes All Graduates Should Avoid ( SHARE THIS ARTICLE)
Five Mistakes All Graduates Should Avoid ( SHARE THIS ARTICLE) - written by Admin , published at 14:13:00, categorized as EducationTips . And have 0 comments
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